Encourage girls to play football, Rwemalika urges parents

The in-charge of women football at Rwanda Football Federation, Felicitee Rwemalika has urged parents to use sports as an empowerment tool for girls.

Monday, September 12, 2016

The in-charge of women football at Rwanda Football Federation, Felicitee Rwemalika has urged parents to use sports as an empowerment tool for girls.

Rwemalika made the call at the close of Live Your Goals Festival held in Rubavu District on Friday. The festival attracted 400 young girls aged between 6 and 12 years.

Rwemalika who also works as head of the FIFA Female Leadership Development Programme (FFLDP) in Rwanda said the programme is meant to encourage young girls to love the sport and play football just like boys.

"It’s a girls’ right to play football, football should not only be played by boys and men in Rwanda only,” she said.

Rwemalika added that to be able to achieve the dream of having girls and women playing at top level, the support of parents is critical.

"If we work collectively, women football will register milestones in a few years to come,” added Rwemalika.

The festival included both theory and practical training in different sports activities with emphasis on football.

The Live Your Goals Festival covered five districts including Huye, Rusizi, Nyagatare, Bugesera and Rubavu.

Live Your Goals is a FIFA development campaign aimed at inspiring girls and young women to get involved in soccer.
