Religious leaders give messages of peace, hope on Christmas
Monday, December 25, 2023
Cardinal Antoine Kambanda leads the mass on Christmas at Saint Michel Catholic Church. Photos by Emmanuel Dushimimana

As Rwandan believers of Jesus joined the world in the celebration of the Christmas, preachers gave messages of hope, peace, and love, and urged the congregation to accept him as the Saviour of the world.

Believers on December 25 went to different Christian churches in Kigali and across the country to celebrate 2023 Christmas.

The Archbishop of Kigali Cardinal Antoine Kambanda, who led the mass at Saint Michel Catholic Cathedral, said Christmas is an important day for Christians.

"Christmas is a special day in the history of the world and in heaven. That is why it is a day of joy for all people because God wanted to showcase to us the incredible love he has for us by sending his beloved son,” Cardinal Kambanda said.

"It is a day of joy for all of us during these times when people are anxious due wars, poverty, and conflicts which deprive people of peace and make them hopeless. The Saviour who was born today gives us faith that nothing can harm when we are together,” he added.

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In his Christmas sermon, Pastor Emmanuel Karegyesa of Saint Peter’s, Remera Parish of the Anglican Church of Rwanda, said Jesus is the light of the world and people should welcome him in their lives.

Pastor Emmanuel Karegyesa of the Anglican Church of Rwanda delivers a sermon on Christmas at Remera Parish_

"He is the God who is born into our history, the God who is born into our transgressions. He is the God who came to give us light in the darkness,” Karegyesa said.

"The Bible says all sinned and fell short of God’s glory and that the wages of sin is death. They were all meant to die and had no hope for life. Jesus is our hope,” he added.

Karegyesa urged the congregation to accept Jesus as the Saviour. He said: "There is nothing from which God cannot save us. That’s what Christmas means. Jesus is God’s love for us. He is the grace of God.”

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Pastor Amos Kajuga of the Nyarutarama-based Christian Life Assembly (CLA) said the birth of Jesus was the fulfillment of God’s longstanding promise to send the Saviour of the World who is mentioned in the Old Testament.

Pastor Amos Kajuga delivers a sermon at Christian Life Assembly on December 25_

He urged the congregation not to give up on God’s promise.

"Whatever he promised, it will come to pass. Hold on to your dream, hold on to your promise, it shall come to pass. Sometimes we want to do it our way, we seek approval and endorsement of those people we respect so much. Yet, we never get the support we need, but God is saying it shall come to pass because nothing stands in his way,” Kajuga said.

"You may find opposition and critics as you pursue your promise. Whatever God spoke to you, as you pursue it you may find criticism. You may find people who oppose you. You may find people who will speak otherwise but pursue your promise or dream. Hold on, it doesn&039;t matter how difficult the journey may be. The journey was not so easy for Mary.”