NUR should come out in fee

Dear Editor, I would like to thank the National University of Rwanda (NUR) for their efforts towards educating us. We are very grateful. I however, request management of the university to officially confirm the exact tuition fees students studying medicine are supposed to pay.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dear Editor,

I would like to thank the National University of Rwanda (NUR) for their efforts towards educating us. We are very grateful. I however, request management of the university to officially confirm the exact tuition fees students studying medicine are supposed to pay.

For long we have heard about the increment, but no one seems to confirm by how much. Honestly, my parents want to know the truth by the time we close this semester. Official confirmation of this issue would also save us from this curiosity.

Already some course-mates of mine say if the increment is confirmed, they might never come back to NUR simply because their parents/guardians will not afford that sum. The fees issue has become a common topic for discussion. We badly need answers.

Concerned student