Vet dispels fears about artificial insemination

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — Titus Mugisha, a veterinary officer in charge of Gastibo and Nyagatare districts, has dispelled fears that artificial insemination causes infertility in cattle.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


NYAGATARE — Titus Mugisha, a veterinary officer in charge of Gastibo and Nyagatare districts, has dispelled fears that artificial insemination causes infertility in cattle.

Mugisha, was reacting to claims raised by livestock farmers in the area-who blamed artificial insemination for their infertile cows.

"It’s a normal practice in livestock,” Mugisha said.

Without giving figures, the farmers who talked to The New Times on Tuesday, claimed that the rate at which their cows are producing had gone down -ever since they adopted the use of artificial insemination.

But the veterinary officer insisted that there were no side effects associated with artificial insemination, unless farmers fail to follow the recommended guidelines.

"Inseminating underfed, earlier mounted…. cows are the major causes of infertility they talk about,” he said, adding that such cases are rare.

"Without that there’s nothing like infertility caused by artificial insemination,” Mugisha added, explaining that such bias against the practice was the only challenge to its effective use.

He pointed out that some farmers lack the discipline to observe the instructions they have been given.

However, sceptical farmers called for more sensitisation to facilitate the effective use of artificial insemination.

"Regular proper training, giving us enough time to slowly adopt what we will be learning will offer the lasting solutions for that,” Bwasisi, one of the farmers said.
