Kabuye arrest, European hypocrisy

Dear Editor,Why won’t Europeans leave us alone? Should we live under colonialism forever?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dear Editor,
Why won’t Europeans leave us alone? Should we live under colonialism forever?

I say this with great grief for the arrest and eventual detention of, Rose Kabuye, who was on a state visit in Germany and got arrested.

Unbelievably, innocent people like Kabuye who stopped the nasty 1994 Genocide are being arrested. Surely, why won’t the west stop meddling in African affairs?

The western world decided to simply watch while over a million people were being massacred in the 1994 Genocide.

Germany at one point has experienced genocide and despite the pain the massacre of innocent people can cause to a country, some European counties still go ahead to protect people genocide perpetraters.

Thanks to Rwandans who rose to protest the arrest of Kabuye. Please keep the spirit and solidarity.

Rwanda is our country and we must fight with all our might for the heroes and heroines like Kabuye who stopped the Rwanda genocide.