Customers need high value services

Dear editor, I write to comment on service delivery, especially in the hotels and restaurants.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dear editor,
I write to comment on service delivery, especially in the hotels and restaurants.

Services in the hospitality industry are painfully slow and sometimes don’t even meet customer expectations.

Such poor services affect business performance and growth. Employers and employees in this sector must understand that the level of service delivery influences competition among service providers.

With the expected East African Community (EAC) common market, competition in the marketplace will intensify, meaning that businesses that have no superior products and services are likely to be kicked out.

Pleasing customers should be priority because this is the major reason why businesses exist. 

The only way to win customer loyalty is to consistently provide services beyond their expectations.

I would also like to urge the private sector to encourage Rwandans to improve the quality of services they deliver.