France should stop intimidating Rwandans

Dear Editor, Arresting the Director General State Protocol in the President’s office, Rose Kabuye, while on a government mission is another shame on France.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Dear Editor,

Arresting the Director General State Protocol in the President’s office, Rose Kabuye, while on a government mission is another shame on France.

Kabuye has a diplomatic passport and her job grants her diplomatic immunity. Sincerely, for how long will France cause pain to the Rwandan community?

As if their role in the 1994 Genocide was not enough, they continue to arrest our diplomats based on flawed legal grounds.

This is completely disappointing and is indeed judicial bullying. Why cover up when you were partly responsible for the death of over one million Rwandan?

Your acts are simply intimidating the orphans and widows you left behind in Rwanda you to book. Arresting Kabuye is perverting from universal jurisdiction.
