My life was changed

I was anxious to get to the next day. It was the eve to holidays. We stayed up most of the night and of course, noise making was mandatory. The first morning ray streaked in and we chanted the welcome home songs as if we had completed a jail sentence.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I was anxious to get to the next day. It was the eve to holidays. We stayed up most of the night and of course, noise making was mandatory. The first morning ray streaked in and we chanted the welcome home songs as if we had completed a jail sentence.

"I am gonna hog all ‘em delicious bites at home. Just let me get within reach of that fridge,” yelled one as he yawned.

I was silent with a lot on my mind. I was thinking of the two girls I had to meet when I got back home. I was in a single school and had to endure buying stamps weekly for two fine ladies who were in different schools.

It was expensive but I enjoyed the company of these two girls. My closest friends called me "The dawg that endured the game.”

My mom picked me and drove me home. As usual, I snatched her second phone, locked myself in the toilet and made a call to the first girl.

Tracy immediately picked up the phone and we fixed a date for the next day. I was late and I found her waiting.

"Hey girl, sorry I kept you waiting,” I said as I closed in for a hug. She was hesitant.

"Why are you cold like this my one and only?” I said as I reached out to touch her hand.

"Ok before you get any closer and start your touchy business, explain this!” she said as she reached into her bag and fished out a letter.

"In this letter that you addressed to me last term, you were writing to Trisha and confessed how much you loved her. At first I thought you had used a wrong name but you mentioned some moments that you had never shared with me,” She yelled in my face as onlookers stood by to watch the drama.

"Oh, Oh…” I whispered. I had no answer to that. I recalled what Richie my friend had told me "Whatever you do to those girls will catch up with you.”

This was the day when my past had caught up with me. Tracy walked away and left me as guilt swallowed me up. Then it struck me like a lightening bolt that it was useless calling Trisha.

That holiday was the worst but I learnt my lesson. I turned my frustration to a better decision for my life- I decided to put my books first since my grades had declined. I had wasted precious time.
