Story Corner: Abdul, the money thief

Once upon a time, in Samba land, there was a hare called Abdul. He lived at a time when the citizens of Samba land had a desire to see God face to face.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Once upon a time, in Samba land, there was a hare called Abdul. He lived at a time when the citizens of Samba land had a desire to see God face to face.

Abdul was such a poor fellow that he thought of how he could use the peoples’ quest for God to earn a living. Being a cunning type, he managed to convince the Samba people that he had seen the face of ‘God’ in a certain cave and that it was possible to see Him on three conditions.

One was to have faith and belief in God in order to see him. Second was to be without sin and finally, Abdul charged a non-refundable fee that had to be paid at the entrance of the cave.

So, for the next two weeks, Abdul concentrated on convincing the Samba people. He even fixed an ‘appointment’!

On the day of the appointment, Abdul stood by the entrance of the cave to collect money from whoever came in to see ‘God’. It so happened that whoever entered the cave didn’t see God but only pretended to have seen him.

They did this because they feared to be called sinners and people without faith. When the last person had entered the cave, Abdul ran away with all the money he had collected that day.

When this person came out, he was frank enough and said he had not seen God. This made others who had lied before also confess the truth.

They looked around for Abdul and realized that he was nowhere to be seen. They called the police who looked for him all over the country. He was arrested and taken to prison for the rest of his life. 
