Yummy food!

Now that you are back for your holiday, it is time you started eating a healthy diet. Take caution not to over eat, otherwise by the time the holidays are over, you may not fit in your school uniform.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Now that you are back for your holiday, it is time you started eating a healthy diet. Take caution not to over eat, otherwise by the time the holidays are over, you may not fit in your school uniform.

A good nutritious and balanced diet will improve your health. Therefore, learning and developing good eating habits is important. Eating to grow fat is not healthy eating.

Eating regular meals and supplemental snacks daily, will give you energy to do your daily activities like playing. Fruits and vegetables should be eaten daily, because they give your body and brain nutrients that make them function well.

Another tasty drink that most children love is Yoghurt! It is good for energy. Also, eat food rich in carbohydrates like maize meal (Posho/ Ugali) and proteins like meat, soy and beans for energy and bodybuilding.

Another important drink is water. Drink a lot of water because while playing you loses a lot of water from your body when you sweat. On average, a healthy child drinks four glasses of water daily.
