Challenges of Sudan

After months of working in Nairobi City and travelling to different African countries, Adhiambo prayed for the children of Sudan- the largest country in Africa.

Monday, November 10, 2008

After months of working in Nairobi City and travelling to different African countries, Adhiambo prayed for the children of Sudan- the largest country in Africa.

Homes, hospitals, schools and villages were destroyed because of the very long war. She wanted to help the children in Sudan and tell them about Jesus, but she did not know how.

One day a missionary from the United States, called Pam visited and wanted to teach the Bible to the Children in Sudan. God united Adhiambo with Pam at the right time! This was so great for both of them because God had answered their prayers!

Adhiambo and Pam flew deep into Sudan to the village of Keew. When they were flying, Adhiambo looked outside the window and saw miles of nothing except occasional clusters of mud and grass huts.

The war had destroyed everything! When the plane landed on a cleared aid strip, so many Sudanese people came running towards the plane. They were shouting "Marle, Marle!” this is how the Nuer tribe say hello.

Smiling children surrounded Adhiambo and Pam. They were so thin because of starving during the war but they smiled at Adhiambo. She couldn’t wait to tell them about Jesus.

Pam and Adhiambo slept in their own mud and grass huts for two weeks. They were warned of the possible dangers they could face while in Keew.

Egyptian cobra snakes would hide in the grass roofs and scorpions could crawl on the hut floors and hide in the beds and clothing.

Do you think they were very scared? Yes, but they knew that the Bible says, "God has not given us a spirit of fear.” They prayed and believed that God would keep them safe.

One afternoon Adhiambo was sitting behind her hut studying when she had a noise in the nearby bush. She looked up and saw a dangerous Komodo dragon crawling away from under a pile of sticks!

What do you think she did? She was used to wild animals so she just kept studying!

Next week read the final part of ‘More than she could ever imagine’. See how Adhiambo helped the children of Sudan.

Adapted from Teach Kids.