Thumbs up for Rwandan media!

Dear Editor,I would like to congratulate all the Rwandans in the media society on celebration the Africa Media day. For sure, our media society has developed unbelievably.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Dear Editor,
I would like to congratulate all the Rwandans in the media society on celebration the Africa Media day. For sure, our media society has developed unbelievably.

Fourteen years back, bad media was responsible for fuelling the 1994 genocide. It was terrible.

In this post-genocide era, however, journalism has taken a completely different turn.

More of Rwanda’s potentials have been put on the globe. Apparently, this exposure has displayed Rwanda as a fast healing country in comparison to what happened years back.

Tourists now feel safe here. It is amazing that our beloved country is also being recognized for her current development potential rather than terrible history.

It is high time other countries especially in the Western world, began to write about what is happening now.

We are sick and tired of continuous negative exposure of Rwanda based on the past.

Thank you, our journalists; your exposure has internationally uplifted our country.