[LETTERS] Koffi Olomide was handled with kid gloves

A pity the Kenyan authorities only deported him. He should have been detained while investigations took their course, charged as appropriate once police enquiries were completed, tried and sentenced for aggravated assault and ensure he does real jail time.

Sunday, July 24, 2016


RE: "Koffi Olomide assaults female dancer at JKIA" (The New Times, July 23).

A pity the Kenyan authorities only deported him. He should have been detained while investigations took their course, charged as appropriate once police enquiries were completed, tried and sentenced for aggravated assault and ensure he does real jail time.

Merely holding him and then deporting him is no more than a slap on the wrist. It tells us that there are no consequences for violent physical assault against others – especially your employees – if you are a star or any other famous or powerful person.

Such leniency brings the law – which should be applied to everyone, no matter who they are or think they are – into disrepute.

Such forbearance for Olomide in the face of his aggression a woman also mocks all those resolutions against gender-based violence, including the just concluded AU Summit that focused especially on women’s rights.

This was a perfect teachable moment for those who are prone to violence against those they view as weaker than themselves. What a pity the Kenyan authorities chose to ignore the opportunity.

Mwene Kalinda