Turning point

Bishop Nathan K. Gasatura is the director of Donor and International Relations in World Vision Rwanda. He has been a Pastor and working for the Anglican Church for over 10 years now, he was last month ordained to be the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Butare. He talked to Sunday Times’ SAUL BUTERA through his successful life in Anglican Church

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Bishop Nathan K. Gasatura is the director of Donor and International Relations in World Vision Rwanda. He has been a Pastor and working for the Anglican Church for over 10 years now, he was last month ordained to be the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Butare. He talked to Sunday Times’ SAUL BUTERA through his successful life in Anglican Church.

I was born a twin and I was the oldest, I was a reserved boy but my twin brother was very stubborn, he used to be involved in many fights all the time. We always used to be together doing the same things but in Primary three, he jumped out of school I followed him but I was immediately taken back by my parents.

Some of my special moments, I remember I wanted to become a missionary medical doctor but I couldn’t make it to Makerere University. The special moments of my life came when I passed my Primary seven, Senior four, when I joined Makerere University eventually and in my  Senior four when I allowed Jesus into my life.

My recent bad memories was when I lost my father in 2001, he was my hero and mentor and its bad he died so early because I wanted to repay him for what he sacrificed for me to be where and what I am today.

My turning point is in two ways, the first came in December 1976 when I accepted God as my redeemer and the second came in October 2008 when I was elected to be the Shepard of the diocese of Butare.
