Putting pen to paper

CHARLES KWIZERA discovers the inside of a newly formed writing club A small group is huddled around a computer, reading. After some time they break into vibrant conversation. They are discussing a short story written by one of the group's members. This is Kigali’s first ever creative writing club.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

CHARLES KWIZERA discovers the inside of a newly formed writing club

A small group is huddled around a computer, reading. After some time they break into vibrant conversation. They are discussing a short story written by one of the group's members. This is Kigali’s first ever creative writing club.

Creative writing is any writing, fiction or non-fiction that goes outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, and technical forms of literature. Works which fall into this category include most novels and epics, as well as short stories and poems.

Emily Lynch, the founder of the group that meets at Torero Cafe every, Wednesdays, at 7pm, explains what it’s all about.

"All we do is sit down and generate ideas amongst ourselves and then we write pieces from those ideas which we read to all members aloud and then discuss,”  he says.

The writing group is meeting for the third time since it began its Wednesday sessions. According to Lynch, a good number of people have turned up. She hopes it will grow to benefit a cross section of people.

"It is a good way to force myself to be creative. Another good reason to come here is to meet new people and learn from them,” says Claire Ogorman, another  member of the group. "I am enjoying it,” she adds.

"I am really impressed by some pieces from members as they are breathtaking. They make me learn more and I think the sky is the limit for this group,” says Daddy Ruhorahoza, also a member of the group.

He continues to say that for a person to be successful in creative writing, he must be curious and ready to learn from other peoples experiences.

"You cannot write well if you don’t read a lot, these two things go hand in hand,  for more Rwandans to be able to become creative writers, they must also develop a culture of reading,” says Lynch when asked how Rwandans can be good creative writers.

Everybody is welcome to join the group; no qualifications are needed but rather a passion for writing creatively. 

"It only calls for one’s interest. Those who come are people who want to improve what they have and we all learn from one another,” Lynch explains.

"We call upon all people to come and join this group as we expect to gain a lot from it together.” says, Daddy Ruhorahoza.

The creative writing group meet every Wednesday at 7pm. Attendance is free.
