Motorists cautioned against speeding as schools break up

Police have urged public transporters, head teachers and parents to help ensure the safety of students who are returning back home for holidays.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Police have urged public transporters, head teachers and parents to help ensure the safety of students who are returning back home for holidays.

The Spokesperson of Traffic and Road Safety Department, Superintendent of Police Jean Marie Vianney Ndushabandi, made the call yesterday, just days before schools break up for holidays.

Schools will close for the second term holidays this Friday.

"Transportation of students should be conducted in a smooth manner with no interruptions or setbacks. Transporters shouldn’t violate road safety standards like speeding, and scrambling for students, which can result into accidents,” Ndushabandi said.

He further urged transporters to ensure their vehicles are in proper mechanical conditions all the time. 

"Some drivers have a tendency of speeding so they can make many rounds, but this is unacceptable… its exposing people’s lives to risks. Police officers will be on alert to ensure drivers respect road safety standards.”

He also warned against carrying passengers that exceed licenced capacity.

"As an institution charged with public safety, Police are mandated to ensure that students return home safely and for other passengers to carry on with their business without major interruptions,” he added.

He urged schools to facilitate students’ departure, adding that parents picking up their children should pick them inside the school vicinity.

The police notice follows an announcement issued by the Ministry of Education detailing how students will be departing from school going back home.

The statement indicated that students will be departing in phases and should be dressed in full school uniform.