[EDITORIAL] AU must maintain the Kigali Summit tempo to deliver better results

The first African Union Summit to be held in Kigali did not disappoint: perfect organisation in a more than perfect venue, the Kigali Convention Centre.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The first African Union Summit to be held in Kigali did not disappoint: perfect organisation in a more than perfect venue, the Kigali Convention Centre.

There is no doubt that it will hold similar high profile meetings with the same zeal and professionalism.

This summit has come out stronger and with more focus. Leaders acknowledged the fact that things need to move in a new direction, which is why they have finally woken to the fact that dependency is a heavy burden and it comes with a price.

Taking concrete measures to end the dependency syndrome and sourcing the AU’s financing from within, is perhaps one of the most important steps taken in the last 50 years.

Equally as important, is the fact that the AU needs a severe facelift and needs to be restructured, and there was no better person entrusted to lead the reforms than President Paul Kagame.

Africa has been watching Rwanda carefully and it needs to drink from the same cup of dignity and self reliance with the utmost goal being to move the continent in the right direction and better service delivery.

President Kagame has no doubt been given a daunting task restructuring of the African Union Commission ­– and it needs serious remodeling. Old habits die hard but the AU Commission will need to bear with some bitter medicine in order to recover from the decades-old bureaucracy and wasteful spending culture.

Good governance is its only remedy, and the AU has just held its summit where there is plenty to pick from in that area.