Why you should eat more eggplant

Eggplant, locally known as 'ibiringanya', is a nutrient-dense fruit that comes in a wide range of shapes, colours and sizes.

Sunday, July 17, 2016
Eggplant can be found in markets across the country. / Internet photo.

Eggplant, locally known as 'ibiringanya', is a nutrient-dense fruit that comes in a wide range of shapes, colours and sizes. Depending on your preference, eggplant is delicious either baked, roasted, grilled or consumed as stew. Interestingly, few people actually know the fruit more for its taste than its health benefits.

According to Rene Tabaro, a nutritionist at King Faisal Hospital, eggplant should be eaten with its skin to maximise its nutritional benefits.

"The skin of the eggplant contains nutrients which improve blood circulation and nourish the brain. On the other hand, frying it should be avoided as it tends to hold too much oil thus becoming unhealthy to consume," he explains.

Tabaro adds that consumption of eggplant normally helps prevent some diseases like colon cancer.

The fruit is rich in fiber which helps in protecting the digestive system, he says.

In addition, eggplant has few calories, no fat and low soluble carbohydrates, which helps in controlling diabetes.

A healthy eggplant recipe. / Internet photo.

Research studies show that the skin of eggplant has antioxidants which help in minimising the risk of diseases like cancer and neurological disorders.

Studies also say eggplant helps in weight loss because it's rich in fiber and reduces one’s craving for food. Drinking eggplant juice before a meal is also said to help the body absorb less fat.

Tabaro points out that the antioxidants in eggplant aid in preventing free radical damage, thus helping in the lowering of the risk of one developing diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart diseases.

He adds that eggplant is also rich in potassium and magnesium which boosts one’s immunity as well as prevention of heart diseases.

The antocidants in eggplant are useful in lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol – a bad cholesterol.

"The flesh of eggplant contains some carbohydrates, little protein and no fat. It also contains vitamins and minerals like potassium, calcium, sulfur, iron and vitamin B and C, which are all essential for a healthy body," says Isaac Bikorimana, a nutritionist at Kibagabaga Hospital.

He further explains that the eggplant is diuretic thus essential for people with kidney stones.

"Eggplant being diuretic, its consumption increases one’s urine output and stimulates the filtering capacity of the kidney. Thus eating the fruit is very helpful for people with kidney stones," he says.

Bikorimana says the fruit also helps in the digestion process. It promotes the production of pancreatic juice which helps in promoting biliary function.

He advises those suffering from slow digestion and bilary dyspepsia to include eggplant on their daily diet.

Bikorimana warns against consuming unripe or raw eggplant as they normally contain high amounts of solanine, a substance that only disappears when the fruit is completely cooked or ripe. Solanine is a toxic alkaloid that may interfere with one's digestion.

He says mashing eggplant and mixing it with garlic helps prevent constipation and bloating.