Man murders couple over Frw500.000

Police in Muhima, Nyarugenge district are holding Evariste Nsekanabo for allegedly murdering a man and his wife in Kimisagara, Nyakabingo cell yesterday morning.

Sunday, November 09, 2008
KILLER: Evariste Nsekanabo.

Police in Muhima, Nyarugenge district are holding Evariste Nsekanabo for allegedly murdering a man and his wife in Kimisagara, Nyakabingo cell yesterday morning.

Police identified the victims as Felix Dusingizimana, 24, and his wife Angelique de la Paix, 21. An eerie of silence descended Kimisagara when area residents learnt about the ugly incident
Nsekanabo has been staying with the couple for three weeks. He is being detained at Muhima police station. He said he decided to kill the duo after they failed refund his money.

"I had worked for Frw500.000 which I kept on my account for long. My friend Dusingizimana convinced me to put our heads together and do business. They took my money and failed to pay back,” the visibly composed Nsekanabo said. He said the deceased had become arrogant and that his Frw500.000 was hard-earned.

The couple were murdered at around 5:00pm and Nsekanabo immediately went to report himself at a police station in Nyamata-Bugesera. He slit their throats and smashed their heads with a heavy blunt instrument.

Emmanuel Kabanda, a police officer attached to Muhima police station disclosed that Nyamata authorities communicated to them about the incident after the suspect presented himself there.

"He went and reported himself after murdering them. That’s when we went to Nyamata to collect him to take us to the scene and he complied,” said Kabanda.

Kabanda said that the two were a newly married couple who had married a few months back. He said that observations and information from relatives indicated the young bride was pregnant.

Kabanda appealed to the population to work with community policing personnel to minimise such crimes.
