Italia Solidale Audit report ready

KIGALI - The findings of an audit report to ascertain whether Italia Solidale, a church-affiliated NGO mismanaged funds meant for orphans will become public, next week. A source at Supreme Court told Sunday Times on Thursday that the audit report will be handed to court for scrutiny before it is made public. Early this year, the Supreme Court ordered an immediate audit of Italia Solidale, to establish the alleged mismanagement of funds by NGO’s managers.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

The findings of an audit report to ascertain whether Italia Solidale, a church-affiliated NGO mismanaged funds meant for orphans will become public, next week.

A source at Supreme Court told Sunday Times on Thursday that the audit report will be handed to court for scrutiny before it is made public.

Early this year, the Supreme Court ordered an immediate audit of Italia Solidale, to establish the alleged mismanagement of funds by NGO’s managers.

The source added that during the auditing exercise, useful information was obtained. He said the audit team had got information from Italy regarding how much money the orphans’ benefactors had sent since 1998.

"We got some information and the audit went on well. But we are not allowed to release the information to the media,” says another source who was part of the auditing team.

The embattled NGO was set up in1997 to help over 2,000 orphans left vulnerable after the 1994 Genocide. However, Italia Solidale intended beneficiaries have been accusing those in charge of the NGO of allegedly using orphans as a means of raising billions of francs for their own enrichment.

In 2006, guardians of the orphans petitioned the Supreme Court demanding that an independent audit to unearth the alleged scam be instituted.

Some of the beneficiaries had in the past alleged that the parent NGO, Roma Italia Solidale, could have sent about Frw1.8 billion to Rwanda between 1997 and 2003, for the orphans, but there are little activities on the ground to show that the funds were put to use.
