[LETTERS] Local hoteliers should work closely with agric businesses

The problem is not diversity-as it is possible to enjoy a large variety of cuisines and dishes in Kigali-but professionalism and creativity.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


RE: "Hoteliers urged on ‘tipping the scale of dining tables’” (The New Times, July 11).

The problem is not diversity—as it is possible to enjoy a large variety of cuisines and dishes in Kigali—but professionalism and creativity.

Going out of the comfort zone is a key remark for hoteliers and restaurant owners. Blaming farmers for non-availability of items is showing lack of creativity to work with products which are available and shows poor logistics (professionalism?) within the establishments (in some cases).

The industry should partner with agricultural businesses to generate a win-win-scenario whereby crops are cultivated and then purchased by hotels. Well, if need be almost everything can be flown in as a last resort but this should not be necessary.

Small portions is simply poor portioning and calculation (professionalism again?) or greed.

Ronald Stilting