ITF suspends Rwanda over membership debt

The International Tennis Federation (ITF) has suspended Rwanda over failure to pay outstanding membership fees for the past three years.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The International Tennis Federation (ITF) has suspended Rwanda over failure to pay outstanding membership fees for the past three years.

Rwanda’s suspension was communicated on June 29 through a letter signed by ITP president David Haggerty and addressed to the Rwanda Tennis Federation (RTF) president Khassim Ntageruka.

"Dear President, we are sorry to inform you that, in accordance with Article 4(d) of the constitution, the Rwanda Tennis Federation was suspended from membership of the ITF with immediate effect by the Council at the recent AGM in Zagreb,” reads part of the letter, which Times Sport has seen.

In the letter, Haggerty adds that the Rwanda Tennis Federation will not attend any general meeting and shall not participate in any of the official team competitions. In addition, the Rwanda Tennis Federation will not be considered for any grants or funding.

Rwanda debt amounts to $14,248.00, but RTF claims it paid US$5,082.00 on the day they received the letter (June 29).

According to ITF, Rwanda must pay the outstanding amount plus the membership fee for 2017 not later than October for the suspension to be lifted.

When contacted, Ntageruka, said the federation is working closely with its partners to get the money and pay the balance by September.

"As a federation, we have had few income generating activities for the past three years but our partners have responded positively to the issue and we hope to regain our membership in September,” he said.