Rwanda, International Cycling Union strengthen partnership

Rwandan cyclists are set to benefit from a stronger relationship between the International Cycling Union (UCI) and the local Cycling Federation (FERWACY).

Monday, July 11, 2016
UCI president Brian Cookson OBE with Bayingana at the UCI headquarters yesterday.

Rwandan cyclists are set to benefit from a stronger relationship between the International Cycling Union (UCI) and the local Cycling Federation (FERWACY).

The president of FERWACY, Aimable Bayingana yesterday met with Brian Cookson OBE, the UCI president and discussed ways to boost cycling in Rwanda.

The meeting was held at the UCI headquarters in Switzerland.

According to Bayingana, the areas of cooperation discussed are centered on building the capacity of the Musanze-based Africa Rising Cycling Center, raising it to international standards.

"We discussed three main issues; equipping the center with bikes that trainees at the Center can use, training mechanics up to UCI certified standards and support in running cycling training camps for African women,” Bayingana said.

UCI has been a close partner to cycling in Rwanda and has previously supported through training of trainers and cyclists as well as supplying equipment.

Bayingana at the UCI headquarters yesterday. In the background is the Rwandan flag flying high.

During his visit to the UCI headquarters, Bayingana also held talks with trainers who work with Rwandan cyclists who attend their camps and exchanged ideas on how best to groom young cyclists before they head to training camps at the World Cycling Center.

UCI headquarters are housed at the World Cycling Center.

Shortly after the meeting, the UCI president tweeted; "Great to talk to the president of the Rwanda Cycling Federation Aimable Bayingana during his visit to UCIHQ today.”