CWB team jets in today

A team of eleven cricketers from Cricket without Boundaries (CWB), an England based charity organisation is expected to jet in the country this afternoon for a 13-day tour. The organisation made their maiden tour to Rwanda last year and according to RCA’s schools development officer Emmanuel Byiringiro, their return crops from last year’s success.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

A team of eleven cricketers from Cricket without Boundaries (CWB), an England based charity organisation is expected to jet in the country this afternoon for a 13-day tour.

The organisation made their maiden tour to Rwanda last year and according to RCA’s schools development officer Emmanuel Byiringiro, their return crops from last year’s success.

"After their (CWB) tour last year, there was a realistic improvement in the umpiring. The quality of cricket from our youngsters also improved a great deal,” Byiringiro noted.

During the course of the tour, CWB will conduct a series of activities ranging from a beginners coaching course for adults and teachers to introduce them to the game and how to coach, a level 2 coaching course accredited through the International Cricket Council (ICC) and Africa Cricket Association (ACA) for those with some previous playing or coaching experience, umpire training, general coaching as well as offering some seminars on cricket development.

The team will be led by Ed Williams and Andy Hobbs who heads cricket development at Sussex, one of England’s top county cricket clubs.

Others on the team include Chris Kangis, Nick Lowles, Matthew Collins, Ben Treadaway, Olly Manning, Kevin Key, Helen Whitehall, Conrad Chandler and Amy Williams.

CWB links cricket awareness, promotion and development with HIV/AIDS in school children and adults.
