Airtime vendors should stop cheating the public

Dear Editor, We thank The New Times for blowing the whistle about vendors of MTN airtime vouchers in Rusizi who were cheating the public by doubling the prices

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Dear Editor,

We thank The New Times for blowing the whistle about vendors of MTN airtime vouchers in Rusizi who were cheating the public by doubling the prices.

The vendors claimed there was a shortage in supply of vouchers from Kigali, as a means of increasing the airtime prices.

This mishap however, almost brought the district’s activities to a stand still as many business persons and decision makers could not communicate.

According to recent reports, MTN customers in Rusizi finally have MTN Rwanda airtime vouchers and this is very good. Nevertheless, somebody should be held responsible for allowing vendors to exploit the public.
