Our transport industry is growing

Dear Editor, I am very pleased with the development in the transport system of Rwanda. In particular, our ‘express’ means to the districts out of Kigali.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Dear Editor,
I am very pleased with the development in the transport system of Rwanda. In particular, our ‘express’ means to the districts out of Kigali.

They are doing a great job. We have companies like Virunga Transport Company, which have even gone to the extent of introducing the executive business class that I prefer to use while travelling to Huye.

Frankly, I am proud of my country and when my visitors come around, they are equally impressed. I have travelled everywhere, but in many countries especially in Africa, this development of the transport system is still a dream.

Believe me, using public means in those other countries is guaranteed delay to a any destination. Keep up the good work.
