NGOs to step up Aids campaign

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — Non Government Organisations (NGOs) working in the Southern Province have reaffirmed their commitment to fighting HIV/Aids in the region.

Saturday, November 08, 2008


MUHANGA — Non Government Organisations (NGOs) working in the Southern Province have reaffirmed their commitment to fighting HIV/Aids in the region.

They made the resolution on Thursday, during a meeting of all NGO’s representatives in the area, held at St. André centre in Kabgayi.

The members agreed to step up the prevention campaigns, treatment, and advocacy so as to further reduce the HIV prevalence rate from the current 3 percent.

These rates have reduced in the past years from 7% to 3% because of the profound interventions of NGOs -operating under the Forum of NGOs against HIV/Aids and the National Aids Control Commission (CNLS). 

During the meeting, participants elected representatives who will represent the NGO’s Forum, at the districts’ Joint Action Development Forum (JADF).

Each of the eight districts in the province elected three representatives. Similar elections have been held in other provinces countrywide.

"The elected NGO representatives will be solely responsible for coordinating HIV prevention activities and collaborate with development partners and district officials,” said Léon Pierre Rusaganwa, the Executive Secretary of the Forum of NGOs against HIV/Aids.

Rusaganwa, revealed that activities of the Prevention & Treatment Advocacy Project, will be spread among all the 151 NGOs working under the Forum-as a way of increasing activities of policy making, advocacy, community participation and dealing with stigma among other things.

The elected officials also raised concern over the mandatory financial contribution to the province, saying that the amount is an impediment for NGOs to contribute to the JADF.

Charles Muhinda, a Ministry of Local Government official, said that the contribution should be voluntary and out of consensus.

Muhinda also urged the Forum representatives to abide by the JADF ministerial guidelines so as to implement development activities and work with district as partners.
