Prosecutor seeks life sentence for Genocide suspects in France

PARIS -- The prosecutor of a special Paris court set up to try Rwandan Genocide suspects called for life sentences Monday against two former mayors accused of taking part in the mass murder of Tutsis.

Monday, July 04, 2016

PARIS -- The prosecutor of a special Paris court set up to try Rwandan Genocide suspects called for life sentences Monday against two former mayors accused of taking part in the mass murder of Tutsis.

Winding up a two-month trial, prosecutor Philippe Courroye accused Octavien Ngenzi, 58, of acting as a "leader" and Tito Barahira, 65, of "wielding a machete" in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The two – former successive mayors of the then Kabarondo Commune in the Eastern Province – are accused of participating in "massive and systematic summary executions."

More than 2,000 people were killed in a single day in Kabarondo, hundreds of them in the town church where they had taken refuge.

It is the second trial for crimes against humanity and genocide by the special Paris court set up to prosecute Rwandan genocide suspects who fled to France.

A verdict in the trial is expected Wednesday following arguments by defense counsel Tuesday.
