[GALLERY] The gallant men and women of RDF continue the liberation struggle

In the gallery, you get an exceptional chance to walk with Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) in their endeavours towards development and peacekeeping missions around the world.

Monday, July 04, 2016
President Paul Kagame officiates during a graduation at the RDF Command and Staff College Nyakinama in Musanze District. (Courtesy)
RDF peacekeepers board a US Air Force plane en route to West Africa for a mission. (Courtesy)
Doctors at Rwanda Military Hospital, Kanombe, carry out an operation. RDF works transcend security. (Courtesy)
RDF soldiers participate in Umuganda in Kayonza District. (Courtesy)
Rwandan UNAMID troops ready to go on patrol in Darfur. (Courtesy)
RDF soldiers at Kanombe Military Barracks wait to go to Central Africa Republic for peacekeeping mission. (Courtesy)
RDF soldiers perform a goose match during a pass-out at Gako Military School. This is one of the ways the army is getting professionalized. (Courtesy)
RDF peacekeepers return from Darfur after completing their tour of duty. (Courtesy)