Youth volunteers tipped on development

The Minister for Internal Security, Sheikh Musa Fazil Harerimana, has called on Rwanda Youth Volunteers in Community Policing (RYVCP) to be more than just the eyes and ears of society’’ and take a leading role in advancing Rwanda’s development agenda.

Monday, July 04, 2016
Some of the participants during the training in Musanze District on Saturday. (Courtesy)

The Minister for Internal Security, Sheikh Musa Fazil Harerimana, has called on Rwanda Youth Volunteers in Community Policing (RYVCP) to be more than just the eyes and ears of society’’ and take a leading role in advancing Rwanda’s development agenda.

He made the remarks on Saturday while closing a week-long training of the fourth intake of RYVCP on crime prevention at National Police College (NPC) in Musanze District. The training was attended by 395 members from across the country, including 120 woman. 

"The choices you make in life today impact on the future of our country; you made the right choice of deciding to volunteer in making your country safer but you shouldn’t stop at that, as responsible citizens, you must be part of all government development programmes,” said the minister.

He tipped the youths on being critical thinkers and ensure they make decisions that benefit them and the nation. 

"We want to build a nation that stands out as a model and to achieve that, we all must work hard and together,” said Harerimana.

The just-concluded training was organised by Rwanda National Police in partnership with the National Itorero Commission.

It was organised under the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between RYVCP and Police.

The minister also awarded certificates to the participants.

Trainees said that they now have a common understanding of the country’s security situation and their role in preserving it.

Beata Nyiraneza, one of the trainees, spoke at length about the courses they undertook, among them like Gender Based Violence, child abuse, drug abuse and human trafficking. 

"We have committed to using social media as tool to promote the image of our country and to be innovative at all time,” said Nyiraneza as she read out the group resolutions.

Participants were equipped with knowledge on several issues ranging from social, political, historical to economic affairs of Rwanda.

The training came three months after the youths held their first ever national congress which resolved to increase their members up to one million in the next one year, from 20,000 currently.