Villager: Obamamania

In the recent couple of months, we have been caught up in Obamamania. According to the English’s Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the term mania is defined as “a strong interest or a mental sickness…”.

Friday, November 07, 2008

In the recent couple of months, we have been caught up in Obamamania. According to the English’s Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the term mania is defined as "a strong interest or a mental sickness…”.

This very strong interest in something which fills a person’s mind or uses up all their time is what makes them become "maniacs”; in this perspective, we have so many Obamamaniacs around the globe. 

As the clocks ticked towards the D day, the two contenders in the race to capture the USA Urugwiro were busy trying to outdo each other as they crisscrossed the width and breadths of their great nation some love to call the land of the free.  

As I write this article, the countdown is only five or so hours to go before the Americans flock to the polls to elect their 44th president. I hope, by the time you read this article, we the Obamamaniacs will be celebrating the victory of one of our own.

On a sad note, Obama has lost his Grandma, a lady that helped instill all the morals into our Obama man.  May God grant her eternal rest, may this serve as a unifying factor for all Americans to rally behind our man in this tiring moment. 

Of course if this election was in Africa, there is likelihood that, it would have been postponed so that, our Man, can mourn his Grandma without any pressures. 

This is really history in the making, whatever comes out of the elections; the wheel will have been re-invented! 

As I said earlier on, it is either we win or they lose, do not ask me for the other side of the coin as there is none! We are taught never to talk of the opposite side otherwise we might weaken our own side. 

As it is, this is my own prediction, I hope to be proven right but if I am wrong, no problem, these are just my own thoughts and ideas.  Who wouldn’t want an East Africaner to become a president of the world’s most strong nation? 
