Rubingisa, Mpabwanamaguru exit City of Kigali council
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Merard Mpabwanamaguru was the Vice Mayor in Charge of Urbanisation and Infrastructure in the City of Kigali. Courtesy

Pudence Rubingisa and Merard Mpabwanamaguru are no longer members of the Council of the City of Kigali, according to an announcement the city made on December 14.

Mpabwanamaguru has been the Vice Mayor in Charge of Urbanisation and Infrastructure in the City of Kigali.

The city Executive Committee members, namely the Mayor, and vice Mayors – vice Mayor in Charge of Urbanisation and Infrastructure, and vice Mayor in charge of Socio-Economic Affairs – are also members of the city council.

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Rubingisa was replaced as Mayor of the City of Kigali and appointed the new Governor of Eastern Province according to a statement from the Office of the Prime Minister.

He replaced Emmanuel Gasana as a provincial governor who was interdicted and is currently being prosecuted on charges related to abuse of office.

The Prime Minister's statement also announced the appointment of two members of the Council of the City of Kigali - Samuel Dusengiyumva and Solange Ayanone.

A subsequent tweet from the City Hall announced that both Rubingisa and Mpabwanamaguru had been replaced by the two as council members.

This means that only one member of the city Executive Committee remains. It is the vice Mayor in charge of Socio-Economic Affairs, Urujeni Martine.

The Council of the City of Kigali is responsible for taking decisions, putting in place strategies, and issuing instructions regarding matters including development strategies of the city and their implementation, as well as its budget and execution.