Man arrested over defrauding refugees

Police in Bugesera District have arrested a 28-year-old man for allegedly impersonating Government officials and conning refugees with promises to take them abroad.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Police in Bugesera District have arrested a 28-year-old man for allegedly impersonating Government officials and conning refugees with promises to take them abroad.

Yves Karambizi was arrested on Monday following complaints filed at Nyamata Police Station by victims, who said Karambizi was masquerading as an official from the Ministry of Local Government and giving them forged travel documents under pretence that he was to take them abroad under a similar refugee programme.

According to the Eastern Regional Police Spokesperson Emmanuel Kayigi, Karambizi was arrested at a hotel in Bugesera where he had just received more money from another victim.

"He would deceive refugees that he works at the Ministry of Local Government and that he could get them travel documents at a fee. He was giving them forged travel documents,” Kayigi said.

By the time of his arrest, Karambizi had conned three people of Rwf490,000, Kayigi added.

"Karambizi was lying to his victims that he would get them visas and air tickets to Sweden. Investigations have so far established that he has even never been an employee of the Ministry of Local Government, but we are still investigating to find out if there are other victims,” he said.

Kayigi said impersonation, like any other crime, is an ill-advised attempt and a serious crime as stipulated under Article 609 of the Penal Code.

Any person who forges or alters documents by forged signature or fingerprint, falsifying documents or signatures or impersonation, forging agreements, its provisions, obligations, discharged obligations is liable to a term of imprisonment of up to seven years and a fine ranging from Rwf300,000 to Rwf3 million.