DRC PARECO-like militias disturbing

Dear editor, Various militia groups, who claim authority, exacerbate the already fragile situation in the DRC. When you listen to what the so-called PARECO militia group says, you may wonder who rules the country.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Dear editor,

Various militia groups, who claim authority, exacerbate the already fragile situation in the DRC. When you listen to what the so-called PARECO militia group says, you may wonder who rules the country.

You know the group does not even accept the Kinshasa government. The arrogance, with which its leader speaks, puts me off.

In a situation where everyone is virtually armed, violence and wars are inevitable. Sometimes I also imagine that the size and the poor infrastructure of the country, makes it unruly. And if I am correct, then there is still a very long way to go.
