EXPERT VOICE: Don't let a boring teacher kill your passion

Dear counsellor, I am a passionate maths student, and I do enjoy the subject more than any other. However, recently we received a new maths teacher and since then I have failed to understand anything he is teaching. I am starting to lose interest in my favourite subject because of him. What can i do? Yours Nadia

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Dear counsellor,

I am a passionate maths student, and I do enjoy the subject more than any other. However, recently we received a new maths teacher and since then I have failed to understand anything he is teaching. I am starting to lose interest in my favourite subject because of him. What can i do?

Yours Nadia


Regardless of the challenge you are currently experiencing about a boring mathematics teacher, the subject seems to be your internal passion and should be put at the top of every academic endeavour. Consider this boring teacher as a short-term barrier in your career journey. Don’t allow a temporary obstacle to derail your passion for mathematics, but rather re-orient your ambitions to succeed, and outperform yourself. You are faced with numerous strategies that you can apply so surmount the challenge and begin to achieve high in mathematics.

The first step is to work on your attitude towards this teacher as well as establish lines of communication and be open to him about your problem. Teachers have special ways of helping deteriorating students once you express your setback and willingness to improve. If it’s a general problem and that other classmate often raise similar complaints. Then advance this matter to the concerned school authorities so they would have this teacher transferred. Your parents too can discuss this issue with the school administration and they would probably reach a positive resolution.

Math skills are part of everyday life and can sail you to important future career opportunities because of its little competition in the labor market. It’s all about following simple rules and repeated use of these rules builds understanding and confidence. If you break old habits and adopt new better tools of learning, you will once again love math.

Be prepared physically, mentally and emotionally! Tell yourself that you are willing to learn and perform better.

Get equipped with all the mathematical equipment you need to use like; calculator, books and notes. Show your teacher how serious you are on the subject by not getting to class late. Listen attentively to the discussions. If you don’t understand something, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher and by doing your assignment right after the class, it won’t be hard recalling the said lesson. Make discussion groups with high achieving classmates and make good use of the internet, online quizzes, and practice by yourself on any given problem. Don’t skip class and try to motivate yourself. Start studying at least a week before the exams to allow your brain get acquainted to both simple and complex mathematical formulas.

Be pretty relaxed while you are studying. Excessive anxiety can cause you to lose focus and make mistakes.

Review and revise notes on anything that isn’t your strongest point in mathematics and focus on that.

Remember, whatever the mind can conceive and believe to be possible, you can achieve. With the right attitude and proper time management, you will be right on your way to greater academic success.



Janvier Hitayesu, student

Just because a teacher’s methodology doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t make him an unqualified teacher. Every teacher has their own way of teaching, so it’s always up to the student to communicate well what facilitates their understanding. Take time to find out the real problem and then can take the issue to the head of academics for an appropriate solution.

Moses Ndungutse, front desk personnel

What if there is no problem with the teacher or his teaching methods, and it’s all about your attitude toward the new teacher. Some students tend to hate subjects just because their favourite teachers left and they can’t embrace change. If this is the case you need to change your attitude towards your new maths teacher and try to enjoy what he is teaching.

Jacky Kayitesi, varsity student

Don’t hesitate to have an honest discussion with your teacher; try to deliver your challenge respectfully and share thoughts how you and your fellow students can have an effective class. Good teachers are always flexible with their students’ needs and ideas regarding their success. So feel free to have a discussion with your teacher about it.

Kamili Ntawuhiganayo, teacher

In my opinion, if you share the same problem with your fellow classmates, you need to sit down as a class and talk to your new teacher, and come up with a solution as a team. Teachers are always flexible to the requests of their students; let him know what you expect from him.

By Dennis Agaba