Ngoma vice-Mayor resigns

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA — Julius Kansiime has quit his post as the Ngoma district vice Mayor in-charge of Finance and Economic development.

Friday, November 07, 2008


NGOMA — Julius Kansiime has quit his post as the Ngoma district vice Mayor in-charge of Finance and Economic development.

Kansiime who has served as vice Mayor since 2005, tendered his resignation letter to the District Advisory Council (DAC) on Monday. Sources from the district authorities say his resignation came as an unexpected surprise.

"He has been a hard working man but we were surprised to hear of his resignation,” said the source.

The DAC President, Francis Bushaija, confirmed the development, saying the council would sit on Saturday to consider his resignation.

"It’s true he resigned and we received his resignation letter, but we will consider it on Saturday when the DAC committee sits,” Bushaija said by phone.

When contacted, Kansiime said he resigned from serving government to further his studies. "I would like to go for my studies which I thought I could not mix with the government work,” he said, stressing that he found it prudent to first pursue his Masters Degree before concentrating on government work.

"Government work needs total commitment and I could not mix it with studies,” he said.

Meanwhile, Bushaija said that the same meeting will also consider the fate of other council members who tendered their resignations recently.

Clement Kirenga and Emmanuel Gasana. The former was councilor for Mugesera Sector and DAC secretary, while the latter was representing Kazo Sector.

"We will confirm their resignation letters and we will inform the district electoral commission to give us a date to fill the vacant posts,” Bushaija explained.
