A tribute to all caring fathers, husbands

World over, Sunday 19, 2016 was Father’s Day and since good things are good to share, I am extending this celebration to Rwanda and East Africa.

Monday, June 20, 2016


World over, Sunday 19, 2016 was Father’s Day and since good things are good to share, I am extending this celebration to Rwanda and East Africa.

I celebrate all fathers, especially those fathers who are or have been care takers of their breast cancer spouses, starting with my own husband. Thank you for being there through the good and wonderful things of life and the tough trials like cancer with strength and love.

Thank you for being so understanding of my fears, tears, unpredictable moods and outbursts during my treatment, my chemo and surgery. Thank you for making me realize and believe that I am not my breasts or my hair, that I am more and enough for me and for our children.

Thank you all men who stand by their wives, women going through cancer experience.

You could be brothers, sons, uncles, grand parents, friends, doctors, nurses, technicians or taxi drivers who took to and from the hospital? All men who brought a smile or gave a word of encouragement to a cancer patient, I love and salute you.

Cancer is not a disease any patient can or should go through alone. 

We celebrate all men who have supported a cancer patient in any way!

Please know that you are truly loved and immensely appreciated.

Happy belated Father’s Day!