GTBank Supports Children With Mental Disability

In line with its values of paying attention to the needs of the community as well as helping to improve the lives of those with disabilities, GTBank has extended moral and material support to young Rwandans with mental disabilities.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

In line with its values of paying attention to the needs of the community as well as helping to improve the lives of those with disabilities, GTBank has extended moral and material support to young Rwandans with mental disabilities.

On Friday last week, a team of seven staff from the bank took some time off their tight schedules to pay a visit to UmwanaNkabandi, a Nyamirambo-based NGO that works to support children with mental disabilities.

The support was in form of food items, drinks, a sewing machine and other items that are of use in the daily lives of the children.

Delivering the supply, Alian Umutoni; Head of Communications and External Affairs at GTBank said that Guaranty Trust Bank passionately believes that CSR embodies an ardent commitment and social pact with all its stakeholders. Thus, the Bank is committed to creating enduring partnerships for sustainable development whilst adding immense value to the diverse communities in which we operate. She noted that the bank has always supported the community in different ways to improve people’s lives and pledged that this spirit will continue.

In order to ensure optimum impact and sustainability, the Bank’s CSR strategy focuses on four major pillars, namely; Community Development, Education, Environment and Arts; as the Bank believes they are essential building blocks for the development of communities and prerequisites for economic growth.

Meanwhile, the bank officials also spent the evening interacting with children and the organization staff, looking around the premises, learning about the activities the children do as well as enjoying entertainment in form of songs and dances.

Berthilde Mukakarangwa, the president of the organization shared with the bank officials some of the life stories of the children, the way they came to the organization, and how they are getting along with life. She also told them about the whole picture of the organization’s history, present and future prospects.

According to her, Umwanankabandi organization was established in 1991 with the aim of supporting families of children with mental disabilities.

"We try to wipe their tears, as well as doing publicity because it calls for families and the nation at large to support them. They ought to know the value of such children and even the parents to know the value of whom they have produced,” she said, thanking the Bank and noted that the visit was a good gesture that should be continued.

Jean François Muramutsa, one of the parents of the children who also works as an auditor for the organization said that the visit provides encouragement for them.

"When you come here, we are strengthened. We know how busy you are working in the business world, so the fact that you spare time to be with us is a sacrifice. We appreciate that heart. Thank you for standing with us and we hope you will come back again,” she said.