Why all forms of radicalism must be fought

Editor, RE: “Scholars issue alert over Genocide denial” (The New Times, June 14).

Thursday, June 16, 2016


RE: "Scholars issue alert over Genocide denial” (The New Times, June 14).

All action (whether good or bad) begin as thoughts (ideas, ideology), germinating in the minds of individuals. They are then given form and communicated to those the initiator wishes to convert to their views through words, before they are transformed into action.

When you get people to share your views – again no matter whether they are good or bad – you have converted them to your cause, including actions that give effect to that cause. Which is why in the West they are now actively at war with those who are radicalising their youth to the causes of Islamic fundamentalism.

Equally, when you espouse the ideas (i.e. ideology) of genocidaires, you are no different from them — you have become them.