Expert Voice: Be close to your teachers and classmates

Repeating a class can be frustrating, especially if your grades are constantly deteriorating. Remember that poor academic performance can be influenced by a number of factors including teachers, parents, individual intelligence levels and motivation. Understanding the barriers that hamper you from making progress and knowing what you’re good at in school is the most fundamental step in exploring your academic competences.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Repeating a class can be frustrating, especially if your grades are constantly deteriorating. Remember that poor academic performance can be influenced by a number of factors including teachers, parents, individual intelligence levels and motivation. Understanding the barriers that hamper you from making progress and knowing what you’re good at in school is the most fundamental step in exploring your academic competences.

Rising above mediocrity is a combination of passion and hard work. So be prepared physically, mentally and emotionally to learn and perform better. Establish strong lines of communication with teachers and high-achieving classmates to obtain expert advice and assistance to accelerate your understanding of different study concept and ultimately improve your performance. 

The best way to get out of a failure is changing your mindset about the way you perceive learning and begin to appreciate your weaknesses within your underlying skills as potential opportunities to improve your performance.

Attend classes regularly and do all the class assignment and test and meet deadlines. Sit toward the front of the class, take notes and actively get involved in the lessons by asking questions wherever you don’t understand.

Studies show that students who sit in the first few rows generally achieve better grades than students who sit toward the back. Train yourself to develop organisational habits that will teach you to be a self-managing and organised student both of which have great contribution on academic performance. While at home, schedule your daily activities and apportion reading special time as well as eat nutritious foods to boost your brain-body connection and drink lots of water to keep hydrated.

Extensive reading has a lot to offer as it exposes you to an exciting body of knowledge that is extremely rich and shared with a wide range of people and tremendous events that take place in all aspects of life. Don’t give up with studies but rather, re-orient your ambitions to succeed, excel and outperform yourself. That way, you will be on the way to greater academic success.



Jean BoscoMutabazi, student

I can imagine the situation you’re going through,. It feels awful to repeat a class but on the other hand it’s a wake-up call, and a reminder that something is not right. Consult your friends or classmates who perform,better and emulate the methods they use to make most out of their studies. Embrace teamwork in your studies for better results.

Romaine Gihozo, student

It’s a high time that you changed your focus and your studying methodology. It’s obvious that the way you have been studying won’t earn you the results you hope for, thus the need to embrace a new and effective studying approach that can bring you better grades. Remember it all takes commitment, dedication, and hard work to achieve better grades.

Aline Mulisa, student

Consulting your teachers is always the best thing to do, and from my point of view that’s the step you need to take towards getting promoted to the next class. Teachers possess the necessary experience and skills to guide you better. Consider, approaching one of your teachers soon if you want to improve.

Julius Rubagume, student

No doubt; repeating class is no fun and that’s why as a student you have to do whatever it takes to move forward. In my opinion, it’s very important that you reflect and assess where improvement is most needed. Take time to find out the root cause and fix it.

By Dennis Agaba