President Kagame inaugurates Coca-Cola sponsored Ekocenter

President Paul Kagame was Monday joined by Muhtar Kent, the Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company, to officially launch a Coca-Cola sponsored social and economic development Ekocenter site in Ruhunda Cell, Gishari Sector, Rwamagana District.

Monday, June 13, 2016

President Paul Kagame was Monday joined by Muhtar Kent, the Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company, to officially launch a Coca-Cola sponsored social and economic development Ekocenter site in Ruhunda Cell, Gishari Sector, Rwamagana District.

The facility becomes the first of the kind in Rwanda.

The solar-powered site stands to benefit up to 25,000 local residents with access to services that have not been easily accessible, including a fully-fledged health centre, a telecommunication tower for 3G wi-fi-enabled internet access, purified water collection centre, mobile charging services, a retail store, and a lit football field.

Coca-Cola partnered with a range of other companies to put up the facility, according to officials.

In his remarks, President Kagame commended Coca-Cola for establishing the facility, which he says is demonstration and testimony that the wellbeing and advancement of communities is a global responsibility and not the sole preserve of governments.

"By working together with other companies, as well as government, civil society, and most importantly citizens themselves, a win-win situation is created, for everyone involved. The significance of such partnerships goes beyond a single company, or country,” said the President.

Speaking at the event, Kent said: "We launched Ekocenter because we know that our growth and our partners’ growth can only be sustainable when the communities we serve are strong.”

The launch of the facility was attended by a number of government officials, Coca-Cola global and regional directors, Randall Hogan, Chairman and CEO of Pentair, among others.

With the opening of the Ruhunda site, Coca-Cola and its partners have now opened more than 100 Ekocenters in seven countries. By the end of this year, the company plans to open at least 177 such facilities in 10 countries serving a potential population of approximately one million.