Your concerns: Does using a gas cooker pose any health risk?

Dear Doctor, I use a gas cooker and microwave at home. Do these gadgets pose any threats to my health? Minnie

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Dear Doctor,

I use a gas cooker and microwave at home. Do these gadgets pose any threats to my health?


Dear Minnie,

Gas cookers and microwaves have made cooking very easy as compared to olden days when food was cooked over charcoal or wood. Now it is much faster and cleaner. Gas cookers, if installed properly, and used and maintained correctly, are very safe to use. The risks posed are related to fire or explosions caused by leakage of gas from the stove or cylinder. These accidents occur in situations where one leaves the knob open and forgets to ignite the flame. The room can be filled with carbon monoxide and one can die due to suffocation. If a spark is ignited unknowingly the room can be on fire since the gas would have filled the entire room if left open for some time. Defective regulators and connecting pipes also make the gas stove accident prone.

Microwaves have virtually revolutionised cooking since their invention around 1970. However, health hazards of microwave ovens are now coming into light. Microwave is a form of ionizing radiation. Though it cooks and warms food at lightning speed, it also creates health hazards of radiation. One study shows that people consuming microwaved food regularly are prone to develop chronic anemia, causing easy fatigue, joints pain and shortness of breath. The white blood cell count is also altered making a person prone to infections. Exposure to radiation is linked to causing cell mutation and various types of cancers. It increases risk of sterility. In a pregnant woman, there is increased risk of congenital birth defects in the baby.

With increasing use of ready-to-eat fast food, these foods are mostly heated in microwave ovens before consumption. These food substances already contain chemicals used for processing, coloring or adding flavor to the food. While heating these foods, these toxic chemicals are leaked in the food substance. They give rise to various kinds of allergies and increased risk of cancers. Some of these chemicals give rise to low libido, infertility and increased lipid levels, thus increasing risk of cardiovascular problems. Some mental disorders are also linked to use of these chemicals.

Nutrients of food substances heated or cooked in microwave are leeched out, thus the user may develop nutritional deficiencies. Formula milk or breast milk, when heated in the microwave, lose nutrients and other benefits also. One observation has been cited that in case of heating a baby’s milk bottle, the bottle may feel cool to touch from outside but the inside milk may be hot enough to burn the baby’s mouth.

The best way is to use freshly cooked food which is preferably baked or steamed. Microwave ovens are good to use once in a while but to use them regularly for all meals is not healthy.