Bye-bye caguwa

Caguwa talk is big news this week. Yes, Caguwa. It’s spelled so but, phonetically speaking, the word is actually more munchy–Chaguwa. So definitely we will talk about caguwa today.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Caguwa talk is big news this week. Yes, Caguwa. It’s spelled so but, phonetically speaking, the word is actually more munchy–Chaguwa. So definitely we will talk about caguwa today.

Urban Boyz, do you hear me?

In other hotter-than-Nyampinga news this week …

The Kigali Convention Centre (KCC) eventually reared its torso and bore it for all to see. All this while, we had contented ourselves seeing the circular head of this modern-day Bingalo gently prick and nudge the Kigali skyline. 

No, the KCC now has its full head and body out of the mother’s womb. Systematically and systemically, it rose out of the Kimihurura blue and, with the aid of its wings –the elegant palm-tree boulevard that skirts the facility, waves and beckons gently and majestically at the world. 

It’s been unmasked. It’s been unveiled. It’s been unfurled. It’s been unleashed. It is here, so let the party begin!

In fact, as my business reporter colleagues like Peterson Tumwebaze will opine;

"The KCC is open for business”. 

Not to be left behind, the equally seductive Kigali Heights complex is also close on the heels of the Convention Centre to be prim n’ propa for the many good things that hang over Kigali’s horizon in coming days, weeks, months and years. 

That animation video that’s currently trending on YouTube, and that takes us on a free guided roller-coaster tour of the facility has gotten many people in the world to mistake it for the much beloved Convention Center. 

The other big news in the week came from a stern and sober source – Finance minister Ambassador Claver Gatete, who, without mincing his words and without batting an eyelid announced, Wednesday at the budget reading that Rwanda would no longer tolerate further imports of dead people’s clothes for re-sale in the country. 

I wasn’t at the budget presentation because I don’t usually get invites to such events. In fact, I’m convinced that some of my editors nurse a secret vendetta against me because why was I sidelined from the WEF extravaganza, for one? 

Though I did not attend the budget reading, I have no doubt in my mind why minister Gatete took such a no-nonsense stance against caguwa. 

Caguwa does not live up to the Radio 10 catch line, "Simply Rwanda-full”. Also, it is not in line with the notion of Agaciro (dignity). 

I’m all behind the finance minister on this, and how I wish that Amb. Gatete reads Loose Talk, because then, I would offer my humble suggestion as regards the appropriate modus operandi to deploy in this caguwa war. 

I would advise him to go for imported used underwear and handkerchiefs for a start. 

You want to know what my thoughts are on second-hand boxers and knickers? 

Well, they may come washed and disinfected and all that, like we are told, but that won’t take away the fact that the mere prospect, the mere thought of garbing oneself in another man’s or woman’s boxers and knickers stinks like a tortoise’s fart.

Where went Agaciro?