21 QUESTIONS: My super power would be...

Makeda Mahadeo is a popular DJ and journalist in Kigali, the former presenter of Rise and Shine Rwanda, a morning talk show that used to air on Rwanda Television. She came to light with her famous talk show, The Switch, which she used to present on Contact FM. Donah Mbabazi caught up with her and she shared a few things that people might not know about her.

Thursday, June 09, 2016
Makeda Mahadeo. (Net photo)

Makeda Mahadeo is a popular DJ and journalist in Kigali, the former presenter of Rise and Shine Rwanda, a morning talk show that used to air on Rwanda Television. She came to light with her famous talk show, The Switch, which she used to present on Contact FM. Donah Mbabazi caught up with her and she shared a few things that people might not know about her.

1. If you were a guy for one day, what ‘boy-ish’ thing would you do?

That’s a tough one. I can’t think of anything I would want to do as a male that I can’t do now as a female.

2. What is the one thing you can’t stand?

Intentional ignorance.

3. Would you date a guy younger than you?

It’s hard for me to imagine dating anyone other than the person I’m dating now, but I guess love knows no age.

4. Pizza or a cheese burger?


5. What was your biggest blunder on the radio?

Getting distracted and letting the radio go silent.

6. What super power would you like to have?

The ability to fly.

7. Books or TV?


8. The greatest invention ever made?

The wheel.

9. What would a perfect day be like?

Good music, good friends, and lots of family and food.

10. Your ideal man; Beard or shaven?

It doesn’t matter.

11. What are 3 things you can’t live without?

I would hate to live without music, my laptop and sweets.

12. What’s the one thing you wish you could do but can’t?

Speak Kinyarwanda.

13. Your celebrity crush?

Kit Harington. He plays Jon Snow on Game of Thrones.

15. What are the best lyrics you’ve ever heard?

Oh my goodness, I’ve connected to so many good lines, I can’t decide!

16. What’s the one thing you can eat all year?

Jamaican food.

17. Babies or career?

Both, much respect to the women before me and the ones who are doing it now for showing me that it’s possible!

18. If you were stranded on a remote island, who would you like to be stranded with?

Someone smart, fun and spiritual who meditates and has extensive knowledge in survival techniques and supplies….. Or someone who can fly.

19. Which animal do you think best suits your personality?

A cat - super independent but still likes to cuddle.

20. Would you rather cook or go out for dinner?

I love cooking.

21. What’s your favourite sport?

I don’t have one.
