Men of God in physical brawl

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — A Catholic priest serving in the Rwamiko Parish, in Gicumbi District was last Sunday assaulted by fellow priests. Abbe André Semusambi, was beaten on Sunday night by Priests, Abbe Isidore Ndayambaje and Abbe Alexandre Niyonsaba, on the basis that he  was ethnically motivated.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


GICUMBI — A Catholic priest serving in the Rwamiko Parish, in Gicumbi District was last Sunday assaulted by fellow priests. Abbe André Semusambi, was beaten on Sunday night by Priests, Abbe Isidore Ndayambaje and Abbe Alexandre Niyonsaba, on the basis that he  was ethnically motivated.

"They hit me hard on the head and arm using a heavy metal bar at 10.00 pm accusing me of being a Tutsi traitor at our residence. I was rescued by house servants after they heard me screaming for help,” Semusambi, explained his ordeal.

The incident also attracted local residents who reported the matter to Kigabiro Cell and to Rwamiko Sector authorities, the case then ended up at Byumba Police station.

The Acting Gicumbi District Police Commander, CIP Jean de Dieu Gashiramanga, confirmed the assault explaining that investigations are ongoing to establish the motive of the attackers.

"If the suspects are proved guilty of fanning ethnic hatred in the Diocese, they will be charged with promoting divisions among Rwandans and causing serious body injury to their fellow priest,” said CIP Gashiramanga. The Priest was referred to Byumba Hospital for treatment. 

Dr. Francine Birungi, who attended to him, said he sustained serious body injuries which led to swelling of the head and his right arm.

"He needs more medical attention and time to rest, because he is both physically and psychologically hurt,” said Dr. Birungi
Sources from other Priests at Byumba Catholic Diocese who preferred anonymity, said ethnic hatred in the Diocese dates back to 2005, and it is blamed on a group of Senior Priests who are bent on fueling ethnic hatred.

"People who fuel ethnic ideology at Byumba Catholic Diocese are grouped under an organisation with a Latin abbreviation FIU (Fraterner In Unium) or "Brothers in One” whose main aim is to sideline Tutsi priests and their sympathisers from the Diocese- because they accuse them of being spies in their midst,” said the source.  
