Musanze hatchery will boost food security

Editor, RE: “Major returns await Musanze hatchery investor” (The New Times, June 7). What a blessing!

Tuesday, June 07, 2016


RE: "Major returns await Musanze hatchery investor” (The New Times, June 7).What a blessing!

Any project aimed at promoting food security should be given support. This is an initiative that is not only going to provide job opportunities but also a diversification in the country’s nutrition, chicken meat and eggs are rich in proteins. With this in place and given the Girinka program the cases of malnutrition in Rwanda are soon going to be history.

Hotels, restaurants and other food business are in position to benefit from this project in addition to bakeries where eggs are a major ingredient. There should be advanced steps of preserving these precious products.

Although eggs are widely known as breakfast entrées, they also serve in many other ways. In fact, the cooking properties of eggs are so varied that eggs have been called "the cement that holds together the castle of cuisine.”

Eggs have multiple functions. All in all this is a huge boost of Rwanda’s economy as well promoting the Made in Rwanda campaign.