Genocide: Rwandans will not be bullied into silence

Editor, RE: “To talk or not to talk about the Genocide?” (The New Times, May 23).

Monday, June 06, 2016


RE: "To talk or not to talk about the Genocide?” (The New Times, May 23).

There is a huge contrast between the Holocaust and the Genocide against the Tutsi.

Today’s major world powers fought against Germany, the country that was carrying out the Holocaust, and defeated it, while for the Genocide against Tutsi the same powers were either directly or indirectly supporting the administration that was carrying out the Genocide.

So, while it was natural to forge solidarity against the Holocaust it will never be so easy to forge one for the Genocide against the Tutsi.

The Genocide has left many hands with stains of blood, and most would feel comfortable having it silenced. And, the so-called support in donations to Rwanda is not a sign of solidarity.

It is sometimes designed to lure Rwanda into dropping an accusing finger which is tantamount to a bribe: "We’re putting something in your mouth, so please stop shouting it out!”
