US elect a bright man - Barack Obama

“The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America -- I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you -- we as a people will get there,” Obama said in his victory speech in Chicago, Illinois. I am not a racist and I do not expect to be one at any moment, but for the first time I am happy in life, Barack Obama is the American president. It is awesome!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Tears of joy, an American woman couldu2019t hide her feelings.

"The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America -- I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you -- we as a people will get there,” Obama said in his victory speech in Chicago, Illinois.

I am not a racist and I do not expect to be one at any moment, but for the first time I am happy in life, Barack Obama is the American president. It is awesome!

When the campaigns began 21 months ago, I called my wife, children, and neighbours to listen to three candidates Obama, Hillary and McCain, as they gave their speeches. I wanted us to select the best candidate to lead the US at our level.

Some said Hillary was the best while others went for McCain. I said from the very beginning that if we were to leave other factors constant, Obama would win the elections.

I shared the same idea with my daughter. Nonetheless, we agreed that he gave such an inspiring speech. We were only listening from the radio and therefore free from any non-verbal bias.

This is how my madness about Obama began. My desktops screens both at home and at work, were decorated with Obama pictures, my bedroom and seating rooms were full of pictures of Obama, Mitchell and their daughters.

If you listened to the victory speech he gave on the victory day in Chicago, you will agree with me the US today boasts for having the brightest man in the White House.

There is no doubt however, that I share the same feelings with Americans who voted him and millions of other people across the world.

McCain and President elect Obama had almost equally good policies for the future of America, but the latter had more pragmatic policies towards general development. Most Americans spotted that and gave him the vote.

"This was a long and hard fought campaign but the result was well worth the wait. Together, under the leadership of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and a Democratic Congress, we will chart a better course to build a new economy and rebuild our leadership in the world, "said Sen. Hillary Clinton.

The Americans too must cheer themselves up, for keeping away from racism by electing an African-American into the highest office. This is a very important step in a nation seen by the rest of the world as the beacon of hope as far democracy is concerned.

"They understood his vision of a fairer and more just America and embraced it. They heard his call for a new generation of Americans to participate in government and were inspired. They believed that change is possible and voted to be part of America’s future,” the Massachusetts Senator said in a statement.

European countries that still practice racism in the ‘world of soccer’ for example, are challenged to take a different direction. The elevation of Barack Obama proves wrong all those who think that Africans can’t perform. It sets a signal, that days are gone when Africa used to be called a ‘dark continent’.

Why are most of Rwandans happy with Obama?

Africans and Rwandans for that matter, have all the reasons to be happy. America became a great friend of Rwanda after the 1994 Tutsi genocide.

Bill Clinton was the first to acknowledge that the world and America in particular, failed Rwanda, during the genocide. The support most Rwandans gave to Barack Obama was not therefore, based on colour at all.

The US has stable international policies that cannot be easily changed, by a new man in office. Neither Obama nor McCain, were expected to turn Rwanda-US relations in the wrong direction. Therefore, any candidate would have been welcome.
Obama was the preference. He won the heart of many Rwandans right from the word ‘go’. The ‘rhetoric’ inspired many, which is why for the first time in Rwandan history, people stayed outside in bars, hotels and homes waiting for victory of a foreign president to be announced. Celebrations are expected to follow for some more days.

In fact, I am afraid many would not be able to work all the hours required a day and are likely to find themselves in trouble with their respective employers.

The Kenyan community, and particularly the Luos, are extremely excited and may not go to work for some days, as they celebrate Obama’s victory.

Whatever the case, history has been made in the US by a young man of 47 years. Brilliant Barack Obama is now the only US President that will be loved by many people across the world; from America to Europe and Asia to Africa.

However, this makes him a unique President with unique challenges to deliver as people expect. I am sure he will be able to achieve most of his aims, if he sticks to the strategies he pronounced during the last campaigns.
