It's not people, it's you

“But what’s wrong with people?” We all ask that question from time to time. And when we say ‘people’, we momentarily exempt ourselves from that species of animals. We momentarily feel blameless and superior and well-intentioned, unlike ‘those people.’

Saturday, June 04, 2016

"But what’s wrong with people?” We all ask that question from time to time. And when we say ‘people’, we momentarily exempt ourselves from that species of animals. We momentarily feel blameless and superior and well-intentioned, unlike ‘those people.’

Someone posts a photo on Facebook showing off his newly acquired load of cash. Someone we don’t know. Someone who doesn’t know that we exist. 

We become infuriated. Then we write a long comment chastising them. And then we insult them, their relatives, friends, spouses, family pets and future children. And then we feel better about our lives (I hope so, otherwise what’s the point?) and we move on with the day.

Okay maybe the person who is bold enough to post about carrying loads of cash in this economy deserves to be ‘stoned.’ Because he/she is clearly insensitive to the loads of people who are hungry for cash. A hungry man is an angry man. 

Still, people (except me of course since I’m judging them) always find a reason to get offended. 

If you have a beautiful body, why should you pause for a photo? Don’t you know that ‘ugly’ people will feel bad about themselves? 

Why are you bragging about your supposedly gentle and faithful husband on social media? Do you expect us to believe you and yet "all men are the same?”

Those who are in the limelight specially have the hardest time on social media. I have seen some of them being insulted just for posting pictures of their families.

I guess some people believe that being rich and famous is already plentiful. Why should you get more? Why should you get to be a mother and be happy about it?

Things like this are solely responsible for my addiction to social media. It’s highly entertaining to watch humans be humans. 

This behavior has also taught me a very important lesson. 

That we tend think that our reactions are based on the way people behave or how they treat us. We even violently nod our heads when we read posts like, "People notice the change in your attitude but not how their behavior affected your attitude.”

But really, the way we act and react entirely depends on us. 

So you feel offended or insulted by someone’s post even though the post isn’t about you and even though you don’t know personally know the person who posted it?

So you feel that a certain couple is trying too hard with their innumerable posts about their undying love for each other?

Do you delete people’s comments or block them if/when you think that they are offensive or if they don’t hold the same opinion as you do?

Does the way someone behave or treat you somehow make you feel small? 

It has nothing to do with them or what they do. It has everything to do with you. Your self-hate/love. Your esteem. Your self-control. Your general attitude towards life. The amount of power you give to people.

In a nutshell, it’s not people, it’s you.