Stop protecting priests whose hands are dripping with blood

Editor, RE: “Jesus, the ancestors, or both?” (The New Times, May 30). Were animists complicit in the Genocide against Tutsi? But too many of the Christian clergy's fingers are dripping with the blood of the innocent and too many Christians are guilty by association of continuing to remain silent in the face of their Church's determined refusal to recognise and apologise for its role in Genocide.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016
At Ntarama Catholic Church in Bugesera District, more than 5000 people were brutally killed there during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Today the church is a Genocide memorial. (Net photo)


RE: "Jesus, the ancestors, or both?” (The New Times, May 30). Were animists complicit in the Genocide against Tutsi? But too many of the Christian clergy's fingers are dripping with the blood of the innocent and too many Christians are guilty by association of continuing to remain silent in the face of their Church's determined refusal to recognise and apologise for its role in Genocide.

Who, really, between Ms Rebecca Kadaga (Uganda’s Speaker of Parliament)—an animist at heart, like virtually every African—honouring her ancestors, and a Church that is an active accessory to genocide, before, during and right up to today (they continue to shield complicit clergymen like France-based Wenceslas Munyeshyaka and numerous laity) should be tagged with the epithet of (D)evil-worshiper?

Why have we allowed these foreign ideologies (themselves chock-full with preceding western and oriental religious myths, beliefs and practices) to make us hate our own so virulently, or even better, be rational free-thinkers shorn of all manner of superstitious beliefs?

More power to Ms Kadaga for honouring her 'ancestors'!

Mwene Kalinda


This is a very good article! TodayAfrica’s problems are a result of mental colonisation of which many Africans haven't yet acknowledged. We have to come to the understanding that colonisation wasn't just economic and political, but spirituality as well.

Psychical colonisation could never have been successful without the Church. Christianity was part and parcel of our colonisation and turned us against our legacy in such way that we hate and demonise our own roots. We have been brainwashed into being fake copies of our colonisers.

Christianity itself is a distorted compilation of ancient belief systems, including Africa, used to subdue and pacify conquered nations.

Ndoli Sabi